Windows Installer API (SDK)

Component Table

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VBS class Component

Class classComponentTable
Private mComponent, mComponentId, mDirectory, mAttributes, mCondition, mKeyPath

    Public Property Get pComponent
        pComponent = mComponent
    End Property
    Public Property Let pComponent(strComponent)
        mComponent = strComponent
    End Property
    Public Property Get pComponentId
        pComponentId = mComponentId
    End Property
    Public Property Let pComponentId(strComponentId)
        mComponentId = strComponentId
    End Property
    Public Property Get pDirectory
        pDirectory = mDirectory
    End Property
    Public Property Let pDirectory(strDirectory)
        mDirectory = strDirectory
    End Property
    Public Property Get pAttributes
        pAttributes = mAttributes
    End Property
    Public Property Let pAttributes(intAttributes)
        mAttributes = intAttributes
    End Property
    Public Property Get pCondition
        pCondition = mCondition
    End Property
    Public Property Let pCondition(strCondition)
        mCondition = strCondition
    End Property
    Public Property Get pKeyPath
        pKeyPath = mKeyPath
    End Property
    Public Property Let pKeyPath(strKeyPath)
        mKeyPath = strKeyPath
    End Property
    Private Sub Class'Initialize

        If InStr(1, mComponent, "{", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, "{", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, "}", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, "}", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, "‐", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, "‐", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, "+", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, "+", "Plus", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, "'", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, "'", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, " ", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, " ", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, ".", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, ".", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, "'", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, "'", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, "´", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, "´", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, "`", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, "`", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, "(", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, "(", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, ")", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, ")", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, "@", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, "@", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, ",", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, ",", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, ";", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, ";", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
        If InStr(1, mComponent, ":", vbTextCompare) Then '
            mComponent = Replace(mComponent, ":", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)

    End Sub
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Function CreateTable()
    Dim strSQL, objView, objTableRow

    strSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & Chr(96) & "Component" & Chr(96) & " (" & '
                 Chr(96) & "Component" & Chr(96) & " CHAR(72) NOT NULL, " & '
                 Chr(96) & "ComponentId" & Chr(96) & " CHAR(38) NOT NULL, " & '
                 Chr(96) & "Directory'" & Chr(96) & " CHAR(72) NOT NULL, " & '
                 Chr(96) & "Attributes" & Chr(96) & " SHORT NOT NULL, " & '
                 Chr(96) & "Condition" & Chr(96) & " CHAR(255), " & '
                 Chr(96) & "KeyPath" & Chr(96) & " CHAR(72) PRIMARY KEY " & '
                 Chr(96) & "Component" & Chr(96) & ")"

    Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView(strSQL)
    msiValidation.pTable = "Component"
    msiValidation.pColumn = "Condition"
    msiValidation.pNullable = "Y"
    msiValidation.pMinValue = Null
    msiValidation.pMaxValue = Null
    msiValidation.pKeyTable = ""
    msiValidation.pKeyColumn = Null
    msiValidation.pCategory = "Condition"
    msiValidation.pSet = ""
    msiValidation.pDescription = "A conditional statement that will disable this " & '
            "component if the specified condition evaluates to the 'True' state. " & '
            "If a component is disabled, it will not be installed, regardless of " & '
            "the 'Action' state associated with the component."

    msiValidation.pTable = "Component"
    msiValidation.pColumn = "Attributes"
    msiValidation.pNullable = "N"
    msiValidation.pMinValue = Null
    msiValidation.pMaxValue = Null
    msiValidation.pKeyTable = ""
    msiValidation.pKeyColumn = Null
    msiValidation.pCategory = ""
    msiValidation.pSet = ""
    msiValidation.pDescription = "Remote execution option, one of irsEnum"

    msiValidation.pTable = "Component"
    msiValidation.pColumn = "ComponentId"
    msiValidation.pNullable = "Y"
    msiValidation.pMinValue = Null
    msiValidation.pMaxValue = Null
    msiValidation.pKeyTable = ""
    msiValidation.pKeyColumn = Null
    msiValidation.pCategory = "Guid"
    msiValidation.pSet = ""
    msiValidation.pDescription = "A string GUID unique to this component, version, " & '
            "and language."

    msiValidation.pTable = "Component"
    msiValidation.pColumn = "Component"
    msiValidation.pNullable = "N"
    msiValidation.pMinValue = Null
    msiValidation.pMaxValue = Null
    msiValidation.pKeyTable = ""
    msiValidation.pKeyColumn = Null
    msiValidation.pCategory = "Identifier"
    msiValidation.pSet = ""
    msiValidation.pDescription = "Primary key used to identify a particular " & '
            "component record."

    msiValidation.pTable = "Component"
    msiValidation.pColumn = "Directory'"
    msiValidation.pNullable = "N"
    msiValidation.pMinValue = Null
    msiValidation.pMaxValue = Null
    msiValidation.pKeyTable = "File;Registry;ODBCDataSource"
    msiValidation.pKeyColumn = CStr("1")
    msiValidation.pCategory = "Identifier"
    msiValidation.pSet = ""
    msiValidation.pDescription = "Required key of a Directory table record. This is " & '
            "actually a property name whose value contains the actual path, set " & '
            "either by the AppSearch action or with the default setting obtained " & '
            "from the Directory table."


    Set objView = Nothing
    End Function
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------

    Public Function ModifyComponentRecord()
    Dim strSQL, objView, objTableRow

    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Component"

    Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView(strSQL)
            Set objTableRow = objView.Fetch
            If objTableRow Is Nothing Then
                Set objTableRow = objInstaller.CreateRecord(6)
                objTableRow.StringData(1) = mComponent
                objTableRow.StringData(2) = mComponentId
                objTableRow.StringData(3) = mDirectory
                objTableRow.IntegerData(4) = SetAttributesOfComponent ' mAttributes
                objTableRow.StringData(5) = mCondition
                objTableRow.StringData(6) = mKeyPath
                objView.Modify msiViewModifyAssign, objTableRow
                Exit Do
            End If
                objTableRow.StringData(1) = mComponent
                objTableRow.StringData(2) = mComponentId
                objTableRow.StringData(3) = mDirectory
                objTableRow.IntegerData(4) = SetAttributesOfComponent ' mAttributes
                objTableRow.StringData(5) = mCondition
                objTableRow.StringData(6) = mKeyPath
                objView.Modify msiViewModifyAssign, objTableRow
    Set objView = Nothing

    End Function
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Function SetAttributesOfComponent()
    Dim AttributesOfComponent
    AttributesOfComponent = 0
    If ApplicationInfo.pArchitecture = "x64" Then
        AttributesOfComponent = msiComponentAttributes64bit
        AttributesOfComponent = msiComponentAttributesLocalOnly
    End If
        If FolderDataInfo.Feature = "CurrentUser" OR '
           msiRegistry.pComponent = mComponent Then
                AttributesOfComponent = AttributesOfComponent + '
        End If
    If msiDirectory.pDirectory = "SystemFolder" Then
        AttributesOfComponent = AttributesOfComponent + '
                        msiComponentAttributesSharedDllRefCount + '
    End If
    SetAttributesOfComponent = AttributesOfComponent

    End Function
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------
    Public Function ExcludeDuplicateComponentKeys(strComponentName)
    Dim objView, objRecord, strSQL
    Dim intPOS, intCount, strTemp

    intCount = ""
    strTemp = ""
    strSQL = "SELECT Component.Component FROM Component"

    Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView(strSQL)
        Set objRecord = objView.Fetch
        If objRecord Is Nothing Then Exit Do

        If Instr(1, objRecord.StringData(1), strComponentName & "'", vbTextCompare) Then
            intPOS = InStrRev(objRecord.StringData(1), "'", -1, 1)
            intCount = Mid(objRecord.StringData(1), intPOS + 1)
            If IsNumeric(intCount) AND intCount <> "" Then
                strTemp = strComponentName & "'" & CStr(CInt(intCount) + 1)
            End If
        ElseIf objRecord.StringData(1) = strComponentName Then
            If Right(objRecord.StringData(1), 2) <> "'1" Then
                strTemp = strComponentName & "'1"
            End If
        End If
    If strTemp <> "" Then
        mComponent = strTemp
        mComponent = strComponentName
    End If

    If IsObject(objRecord) Then Set objRecord = Nothing
    Set objView = Nothing

    End Function
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------

    Public Function ThereAreDuplicateComponentRecords()
    Dim strSQL, objView, objTableRow

    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Component"

    Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView(strSQL)
            Set objTableRow = objView.Fetch
            If objTableRow Is Nothing Then Exit Do

            If objTableRow.StringData(1) = mComponent Then
                ThereAreDuplicateComponentRecords = objTableRow.StringData(1)
                Exit Do
            End If
    Set objView = Nothing

    End Function
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------

    Public Function DeleteComponentRecord()
    Dim strSQL, objView, objTableRow

    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Component"

    Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView(strSQL)
            Set objTableRow = objView.Fetch
            If objTableRow Is Nothing Then Exit Do
            If objTableRow.StringData(1) = mComponent Then '
               objView.Modify msiViewModifyDelete, objTableRow
    Set objView = Nothing

    End Function
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------

    Private Function GenerateGUID()
    Dim objGuid

    Set objGuid = CreateObject("Scriptlet.Typelib")
        GenerateGUID = Left(objGuid.Guid, 38)
    Set objGuid = Nothing
    End Function
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Private Sub Class'Terminate()
    End Sub
End Class
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------