Windows Installer API (SDK)

Registry Table

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VBS class Registry

Class classRegistryTable
Private mRegistry, mRoot, mKey, mName, mValue, mComponent, mType

    Public Property Get pRegistry
        pRegistry = mRegistry
    End Property
    Public Property Let pRegistry(strRegistry)
        mRegistry = strRegistry
    End Property
    Public Property Get pRoot
        pRoot = mRoot
    End Property
    Public Property Let pRoot(intRoot)
        mRoot = intRoot
    End Property
    Public Property Get pKey
        pKey = mKey
    End Property
    Public Property Let pKey(strKey)
        mKey = strKey
    End Property
    Public Property Get pName
        pName = mName
    End Property
    Public Property Let pName(strName)
        mName = strName
    End Property
    Public Property Get pValue
        pValue = mValue
    End Property
    Public Property Let pValue(strValue)
        mValue = strValue
    End Property
    Public Property Get pComponent
        pComponent = mComponent
    End Property
    Public Property Let pComponent(strComponent)
        mComponent = strComponent
    End Property
    Public Property Get pType
        pType = mType
    End Property
    Public Property Let pType(strType)
        mType = strType
    End Property

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
    End Sub    
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Public Function ModifyRegistryRecord()
    Dim strSQL, objView, objTableRow

    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Registry"

    Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView(strSQL)
        Set objTableRow = objView.Fetch
        If objTableRow Is Nothing Then
            Set objTableRow = objInstaller.CreateRecord(6)
            objTableRow.StringData(1) = mRegistry
            objTableRow.IntegerData(2) = mRoot
            objTableRow.StringData(3) = mKey
            objTableRow.StringData(4) = mName
            objTableRow.StringData(5) = mValue
            objTableRow.StringData(6) = mComponent
            objView.Modify msiViewModifyAssign, objTableRow
            Exit Do
        End If
            objTableRow.StringData(1) = mRegistry
            objTableRow.IntegerData(2) = mRoot
            objTableRow.StringData(3) = mKey
            objTableRow.StringData(4) = mName
            objTableRow.StringData(5) = mValue
            objTableRow.StringData(6) = mComponent
            objView.Modify msiViewModifyAssign, objTableRow
    Set objView = Nothing

    End Function
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Public Function WriteRegistryRecordsFromFile(RegFile)
    Dim objFSO, objRegistryFile, strLinetoParse, Pos, Pos1, Pos2, arrToParse, arrTypeValues
    Dim strRegHive, strValue, temporare, strRegType

    temporare = ""

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objRegistryFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(RegFile,ForReading,False,TristateUseDefault)

    Do While Not objRegistryFile.AtEndOfStream
        strLinetoParse = objRegistryFile.Readline

        If Left(strLinetoParse,1) = ";" OR _
           Left(strLinetoParse,1) = "#" OR _
           Left(strLinetoParse,1) = "'" Then
            ' ignore comment lines

            If InStr(1,strLinetoParse, "\\", vbTextCompare) Then
                strLinetoParse = Replace(strLinetoParse, "\\", "\")
            End If

            If temporare <> "" AND InStrRev(strLinetoParse, ",\",-1,vbTextCompare) Then
                temporare = temporare & strLinetoParse
            ElseIf temporare <> "" AND NOT InStrRev(strLinetoParse, ",\",-1,vbTextCompare) Then
                temporare = temporare & strLinetoParse
                temporare = Replace(temporare, ",", "")
                temporare = Replace(temporare, " ", "")
                temporare = Replace(temporare, "\", "")

                If InStr(1,temporare, "000000", vbTextCompare) Then
                    temporare = Replace(temporare, "000000", "00[˜]")
                End If
                If InStr(1,temporare, "0000", vbTextCompare) Then
                    temporare = Replace(temporare, "0000", "[˜]")
                End If

                    mRegistry = "RM" & Mid(Replace(GenerateGUID, "-", "", vbTextCompare),2,30)
                    mValue = temporare
                    temporare = ""
            End If

            If InStr(1,strLinetoParse, "=", vbTextCompare) Then
                arrToParse = split(strLinetoParse, "=", -1, vbTextCompare)
                If UBound(arrToParse) > 1 Then
                    strValue = Mid(strLinetoParse, InStr(1,strLinetoParse, "=", vbTextCompare) + 1)
                    strValue = arrToParse(1)
                End If
                mName = arrToParse(0)
                If Left(arrToParse(0),1) = Chr(34) AND Right(arrToParse(0),1) = Chr(34) Then _
                    mName = Mid(arrToParse(0), 2, Len(arrToParse(0)) - 2)

                If InStr(1,strValue, ":", vbTextCompare) Then
                    arrTypeValues = split(strValue, ":", -1, vbTextCompare)
                    strRegType = arrTypeValues(0)
                    mValue = arrTypeValues(1)

                    Select Case strRegType
                        Case "dword"
                            mType = "REG_DWORD"
                            If IsNumeric(arrTypeValues(1)) Then
                                mValue = "#" & arrTypeValues(1)
                                mValue = "#x" & arrTypeValues(1)
                            End If
                        Case "hex"
                            mType = "REG_BINARY"
                            mValue = "#x" & arrTypeValues(1)
                        Case "hex(0)"
                            mType = "REG_NONE"
                            mValue = "#x" & arrTypeValues(1)
                        Case "hex(2)"
                            mType = "REG_EXPAND_SZ"
                            mValue = "#%" & arrTypeValues(1)
                        Case "hex(7)"
                            mType = "REG_MULTI_SZ"
                            mValue = "[˜]" & arrTypeValues(1)
                        Case "hex(11)", "hex(b)"
                            mType = "REG_QWORD"
                            mValue = "#x" & arrTypeValues(1)
                        Case Else
                    End Select

                    If InStrRev(mValue, ",\",-1,vbTextCompare) Then
                        temporare = mValue
                        If InStr(1,mValue, ",", vbTextCompare) Then _
                            mValue = Replace(mValue, ",", "")
                        mRegistry = "RM" & Mid(Replace(GenerateGUID, "-", "", vbTextCompare),2,30)
                    End If
                    mType = "REG_SZ"
                    mValue = strValue
                    If Left(mValue,1) = Chr(34) AND Right(mValue,1) = Chr(34) Then _
                        mValue = Mid(mValue, 2, Len(mValue) - 2)
                    If Len(mValue) = 2 AND mValue = Chr(34) & Chr(34) Then _
                        mValue = ""
                    ' masquerade {}
                    If Left(mValue,1) = "{" AND Right(mValue,1) = "}" Then
                        Pos1 = InStr(1,mValue, "{", vbTextCompare)
                        Pos2 = InStr(Pos1 + 1,mValue, "}", vbTextCompare)
                        mValue = "[\{]" & Mid(mValue,Pos1 + 1,Pos2 - 2) & "[\}]"
                    End If
                    ' masquerade []
                    If Left(mValue,1) = "[" AND Right(mValue,1) = "]" Then
                        Pos1 = InStr(1,mValue, "[", vbTextCompare)
                        Pos2 = InStr(Pos1 + 1,mValue, "]", vbTextCompare)
                        mValue = "[\[]" & Mid(mValue,Pos1 + 1,Pos2 - 2) & "[\]]"
                    End If
                    mRegistry = "RM" & Mid(Replace(GenerateGUID, "-", "", vbTextCompare),2,30)
                End If
            End If

            If Left(strLinetoParse,1) = "[" AND Right(strLinetoParse,1) = "]" Then
                Pos = InStr(1,strLinetoParse, "\", vbTextCompare)
                strRegHive = Mid(strLinetoParse,2,Pos - 2)
                mKey = Mid(strLinetoParse, Pos + 1, Len(strLinetoParse) - (Pos + 1))

                Select Case strRegHive
                    Case "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"
                        mRoot = CInt("0")
                        mComponent = "HKCR"
                        mName = "*"
                        msiFeatureComponents.pFeature = "Complete"
                    Case "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"
                        mRoot = CInt("1")
                        mComponent = "HKCU"
                        mName = "+"
                        msiFeatureComponents.pFeature = "CurrentUser"
                    Case "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
                        mRoot = CInt("2")
                        mComponent = "HKLM"
                        mName = "*"
                        msiFeatureComponents.pFeature = "Complete"
                    Case "HKEY_USERS"
                        mRoot = CInt("3")
                        mComponent = "HKU"
                        mName = "*"
                        msiFeatureComponents.pFeature = "Complete"
                    Case Else
                End Select
                mRegistry = "RM" & Mid(Replace(GenerateGUID, "-", "", vbTextCompare),2,30)
                mValue = ""

                If msiComponent.ThereAreDuplicateComponentRecords <> mComponent Then
                    msiComponent.pComponent = mComponent
                    msiComponent.pComponentId = GenerateGUID
                    msiComponent.pDirectory = "TARGETDIR"
                    msiComponent.pAttributes = msiComponent.SetAttributesOfComponent

                    msiComponent.pCondition = ""
                    msiComponent.pKeyPath = ""

                    msiFeatureComponents.pComponent = mComponent
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Set objRegistryFile = Nothing
    Set objFSO = Nothing

    End Function
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Public Function InitializeFilePerUserDirectory()
    ' user-defined files must have a Registry Keypath and an entry
    ' in the registry table.

    mRegistry = "HKCU_" & msiComponent.pComponent
    mRoot = 1
    mKey = "Software\[ProductName]\ActiveSelfRepair"
    mName = "IsInstalled_" & msiFile.pFile
    mValue = "True"
    mComponent = msiComponent.pComponent

    End Function
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Public Function DeleteRegistryRecord()
    Dim strSQL, objView, objTableRow

    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Registry"

    Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView(strSQL)
        Set objTableRow = objView.Fetch
        If objTableRow Is Nothing Then Exit Do

        If objTableRow.StringData(6) = mComponent Then _
           objView.Modify msiViewModifyDelete, objTableRow
    Set objView = Nothing

    End Function
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Public Function DeleteAllRecords()
    Dim strSQL, objView

    strSQL = "DELETE FROM Registry"

    Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView(strSQL)
    Set objView = Nothing

    End Function
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Public Function DropTable()
    Dim strSQL, objView

    strSQL = "DROP TABLE Registry"

    Set objView = objDatabase.OpenView(strSQL)
    Set objView = Nothing

    End Function
    ' -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    End Sub
End Class
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------